How it works

Find out how to navigate the Volopa Business platform.

Volopa international business payments page on a desktop with animation

Our user guide videos are designed to give you step-by-step support while using the Volopa Business platform. For more support on how to get started, visit our FAQ page.


Using the Product Switcher: Navigating from the Wallet to Cards to Payments to Settings

Viewing and clearing Bell Icon Reminders & User Alerts

View personal profile and log-out


How to fund wallet on the Volopa web app.

Find out how to Convert balances

Find out how to manage your company wallet fund via easy transfer on the Volopa Business web platform.

Find out how to manage an international payment fund via easy transfer on the Volopa Business web platform.


Find out how to fund/ Load & withdraw/ Unload card balances

Manage individual cards: Cancel, Freeze/Unfreeze, Report Lost/Stolen, select authorised payment types, set spend limits & autoloads

Manage cards in bulk: Set Daily Limits, Card Auto Funding, Transaction Limits & Authorised Payment Types

Categorise Card Transactions

Find out how Tracking codes are set up on the Volopa Business web platform.


Find out how to add a recipient.

Find out how to create new payments and recipient emails.

Find out how to create batch payments.

Find out how to add notes and invoice reference numbers to historic payments.

Find out how to repeat payments

Find out how to schedule payments

Find out how to set up a workflow approvals process


Find out how to set up integration.

Find out how to sync transactions.


Find out how to add/ delete a user.

Find out about our notifications settings.

Focus on the work that counts

Do business the Volopa way

Volopa animation + smart phone with Volopa logo